Sunday, April 22, 2018


Draft from October 5, 2014:

Despite the stability in my life, I've been feeling pretty alone lately. And the thing I hate about this is that someone out there is reading this and understanding me. But nobody stops me in real life to tell me that hey, they get it. The pain we share is the same, but we all do what we can to pretend we're not affected by it. Apparently, it's a weakness. It takes one's suffering to remind us that we at least have something they don't have to keep our heads up and to walk on like we're better than that one person.

I'm sick of feeling this way! I want to distance myself from everything and everyone around me. I want to do something different and enjoy it all by myself. I'm sick of waiting on other people, taking their time, not thinking of others, and telling me why I have to wait on them because it's the nice thing to do. I don't move as slowly as you! I want to get there at my speed and on my terms. Because I'm sick of it.

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